Q.Fast Growing Fence Coverage - New unthoughtful neighbor pulled out 30-years of tree bush privacy fence leaving our backyard ‘naked.’ Read your recent newsletter and ...
A.Since you're in SoCal near the beach with heavy clay soil, you need something fast-growing, dense, and coastal-tolerant by June. Carolina Cherry Laurel or Hopseed Bush are great options. Waxleaf Privet and Pacific Wax Myrtle also work well, while Italian ...Read MoreQ.How Hard Can I Prune A Hibiscus? - I have a huge hibiscus Bush in front of a window! I've taken it down by one third each year ...
A.Rejuvenation pruning should not kill it. Wait till spring to prune, though. Here is more: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/hibiscus/tips-for-pruning-hibiscus-plants-when-to-prune-hibiscus.htmRead MoreQ.What Are The Small White Insects On My Plants And How To Get Rid Of Them? - Just today i noticed these small white insects on the pots of moet of my plants and on some leaves. ...
A.Possibly spider mites. You can get a miticide or spray them with neem oil.Read MoreQ.Low Maintenance, Large Shrubs Ideas? - Hi, we are based in South West UK, have a south facing garden, no idea what soil type 🙂 I ...
A.You’re area will be most similar to our USDA zone 8-9, so you’ve got good options for big, evergreen, low-maintenance shrubs. Try Camellia japonica (glossy leaves, winter-spring blooms), Choisya ternata (fast-growing, fragrant white flowers), Escallonia (tough, drought-tolerant, pink/red/white summer blooms), ...Read More
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Q.Propagation With My Walking Iris - I have a walking iris that I received as a gift and it bloomed and gave me an offshoot. Can ...
A.Yes! You can cut the offshoot and pot it up. Walking iris offshoots grow roots while still attached to the mother plant, so once the roots are a few inches long, just snip the offshoot and plant it in a ...Read MoreQ.Calathea Leaves Not Folding And Drying Up — What Can I Do? - My calathea prayer plant won’t ”pray!” I‘ve tried adding fertilizer, putting it in a self watering pot to keep the ...
A.The curling leaves are likely due to moisture stress. In the winter months you need to cut back on watering. Let the soil dry between watering during fall and winter. Then during the spring and summer, water frequently to keep ...Read MoreQ.Can You Identify These Tiny Bugs On My Hibiscus? - I have sprayed my hibiscus during the summer and fed them and brought them in for the winter. My leaves ...
A.Since there is webbing, I am going to say they are probably spider mites. You can try to control spider mites with a miticide. Or try neem oil spray.Read MoreQ.Growing Butterfly Vines - I read your article on "Tips On Growing Butterfly Vines". I have some seeds. I live in zone 7-7A. How ...
A.Butterfly vine seeds need a little scarification—rub them with sandpaper or nick them with a knife—then soak them overnight. Plant in well-draining soil after the last frost, in full sun. In zone 7-7A, it might die back in winter but ...Read MoreQ.Planting Melons - In your planting instructions for melons, you say to plant groupings of 3-4 seeds a yard apart. Do you leave ...
A.Once they sprout, you would remove the weakest ones and leave only the strongest seedling to grow. Planting more than one seed ensures at least one will germinate.Read MoreQ.How Do I Prune After A Freeze? - My crepe Jasmine froze on an unusually cold night. Most of the leaves are dried up but a few are ...
A.If your crepe jasmine got hit by frost, then wait until late February to mid-March before pruning to avoid more cold damage. Once the risk has passed, trim dead or damaged branches to boost airflow and light. If it’s really ...Read MoreQ.Can Daffodils That Did Not Bloom Last Year Be Saved? - They were allowed to die naturally before cutting.
A.They should be just fine. I would test the soil in the area. If it gets fertilized often, Then watch out for too much nitrogen in the soil. This will prevent uptake of phosphorus and potassium, which will keep it ...Read MoreQ.Coconut Coir & Citrus Trees - Hi. I have 4 citrus trees already potted and planted that are 4 yrs old.(Meyer lemon, clementines,key limes and yellow ...
A.Yes, it makes an excellent mulch. This article tells you how to buy and apply it: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/mulch/using-coconut-coir-mulch.htmRead MoreQ.How To Get Rid Of Moss - I have 1700 sq feet of planted garden with plants small and large. There is moss growing between the plants. ...
A.Moss in your garden usually means low soil pH, excess moisture, or compacted soil. Adding a 70/30 mix of soil and compost can help, but it’s best to test your soil pH first. If it's too acidic, you may need ...Read MoreQ.In Order To Reduce Organic Content Of Potting Mix, What Ratio Of Washed Perlite Or Pumice Would I Add? - Zone 8B
A.Potting mix to inert material ration can be either 2:1 or 1:1. 2:1 will be a little better for anchoring.Read MoreQ.Growing Melons In A Raised Bed? - I have raised beds on my driveway and I would like to try sugerbaby watermelons this year, knowing that they ...
A.Absolutely! This happened to me by accident last year. It grew in my smaller raised bed by a dropped seed or something, and it grew and spilled over the bed.I did the same as you are going to do, and ...Read MoreQ.How Do I Adapt Potting Mix To Use For Lotus Seeds? - I purchased 10 bags of 64 quart potting mix on close out at Lowes for less than $2.00 a bag. ...
A.This will entail a little more work on your end, but it isn't something that can't be done. Using potting mix as a filler can work if you thoroughly rinse it first to remove excess fertilizers and chemicals. Layering 6″ ...Read MoreQ.Citrus Fruit - do these keep away, gnats, fruit flies, ants, flies and any other insects, what are these? Can I add cloves. ...
A.Hello: Thank you for sending us your gardening question. Citrus fruit will not ward off any of those pests. These articles may help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/fungus-gnats.htm https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/controlling-fruit-flies.htm https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/get-rid-of-ants.htm https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/citrus/citrus-fruit-fly-pests.htmRead MoreQ.When To Lift Summer Bulbs? - I am moving out of my apartment at the start of August. Last year I planted dahlia, gladiola & lilly ...
A.You don't say what hardiness zone you are in but dahlias are only hardy to zone 8. If you are in a colder zone than that, they won't come back anyway. Glads are hardy to zone 8, or 7 if ...Read MoreQ.I Think Somthing Maybe Eating The Tops Of My Trees See Photos? - I think somthing maybe eating the tops of my trees see photos?
A.Examine them for the type of damage so you will know who the culprit is. This info should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/spider-mite-tree-damage.htm https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/what-is-armored-scale.htm https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/holes-in-plant-leaves.htmRead MoreQ.Replant Broken Princess Flower/ Tibuochina Branch? - A big branch with smaller branches broke off my Princess flower in a storm. Can I replant it? Do I ...
A.I am enclosing information that will help with propagating the branch. For the broken stem, cut it off below the split just above a node or horizontal branch. https://marinmg.ucanr.edu/CARE/PROPAGATING/Cuttings/ https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/princess-flower-bush/growing-princess-flower.htm https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/info/pruning-basics.htmRead More