Can we remove the aerial roots growing from our plant? The plant is doing well otherwise, now about 8-foot tall.
It is not recommended that you remove the aerial roots. If you prune them, you can open the plant up to disease. If possible, give them something to cling to, like a moss covered pole. This will keep them controlled and less unsightly.
What kind of plant is it? If it is a Monstara deliciosa, feel free to remove the aerial roots without worry.
My neighbour has the annoying habit of throwing cuttings over the fence and damaging my flower beds. I understand that she should ask me if I want the cuttings back, and if I refuse then it's her responsibility to dispose of them. Is that the case?
I am not sure what to tell you. This is more of a legal issue and we are not qualified to answer legal issues.
But, in the spirit of being neighborly, she should ask before doing this it seems to me.
Please explain how I can provide the best conditions to encourage reblooming.
It really depends on the plant. Some plants can be encouraged to rebloom through deadheading (
Others need a dormancy period. While still others need a cold period.
Most plants appreciate a dose of phosphorous to help them with blooming and making sure they are getting the correct amount of light is essential.
We need to have our roof cleaned, and they want to use Copper sulfate and Oxyclean to do this. Will the runoff of this combination hurt our plants around the house?
According to the makers of OxyClean, the product does not contain any harmful chemicals and it is supposedly made from natural ingredients. When properly diluted or mixed, copper sulfate is not harmful to lawns, ornamental shrubs, trees, turf or other vegetation such as flowers.
This growing growth on the roof has spread rapidly in the last two years. Any remedies would be appreciated.
What does it look like? This will help us determine what the problem may be and how to fix it.
Hi, I would like to know if there is any kind of pins to put on the fence to hold the climbing plants . Thanks. G.
Most climbing plants have their own means to cling to and grow up a vertical surface, but they do sometimes need some encouragement to grow up a surface. In these cases, twine, zip ties and strips of panty hose can be used to attach a plant to the vertical surface that you want them to grow up.
Can humans get sick from spotted leaf fungus? Thank you. Sam
Not generally, though you may not want to eat infected plants simply due to flavor loss and should always wash your hands any time you handle diseased plants/fruits, etc.