Shrubs are falling to the ground and have small bunches of brown leaves all over...why?
Is the area dry or have had excessive moisture?
Both can lead to issues with insects or fungus.
Remove the dead material and treat with Neem Oil. This works as both an insecticide and fungicide.
I have tried to get rid of these weeds but they always grow back very quickly. What is the name of them and how can I get rid of them?
It looks a lot like Creeping Cinquefoil. Here is an article that will assist you in getting rid of it:
If it isn't getting any flowers. Is it because it isn't getting enough sun?
Potentilla bloom from late summer to even early frost.
Full sun location is preferred or partial sun can be fine.
Don't fertilize your Potentilla, they may be getting too much nitrogen which will inhibit flowering.
Too much water can also be an issue, they are drought tolerant.
I read the article on your website and would very much like to know where I can purchase creeping potentilla as a lawn alternative. Thanks and see below for reference. Andra Gerry located in Lindsay, Ontario
With hard to find plants like this, I have the best luck looking on sites like eBay and Etsy for sellers who are selling plants from their own gardens.
I live in ZIP code 97301 which plant map shows as 8a. The exposure I want to place the shrub is full west sun. When specifically could I plant a shrub? I'm thinking in terms of this year being a heavy rain season because of the talk of the oncoming El Nino concern. Can I plant in the fall and will the new shrub last through heavy rain?
Potentilla may not be a good choice for a drought tolerant garden. They prefer a evenly moist soil.
I'm listing a few links for you that may give you more help in selecting plant species.
I always encourage you to visit local garden centers to look around and find plants that are good cultivators for you growing zone.
Fall is generally a very good time to get new planting is the ground. Follow the planting directions for each species and make sure they receive adequate water, daily for the first 2 weeks and then you can cut back.
Heavy rain can be stressful and cause the death of any plant material. Mother Nature is impossible to control. Remember that most reputable garden centers guarantee their plants for 1 year.
How do you shape a potentilla to grow round? I see them around town and they look very nice when they are shaped like this.
Summer blooming shrubs like this produce flowers on new growth. So if possible prune the plant before spring growth begins. Pruning for shape takes practice (and patience) but cut a little at a time shaping the plant as you desire, stepping back to see how it looks as you go. You don't want to take off too much or you'll risk losing the round shape you're trying to achieve.
We live in Southeastern PA. We planted 2 Potentilla Goldfingers last Spring. They did well and flowered untill Fall. Should they be cut all the way down to the ground or should we just prune the dead branches?
Either method that you choose will be fine. This article will give you more information: