Q.Will Spraying Cinnamon On And Around My Lemon And Orange Tree Affect Bees From Pollinating? - I have several varieties of pests on and around my orange and lemon trees (I only have one of each ...
A.Avoid spraying open blooms and it shouldn't be a problem. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/info/using-cinnamon-on-plants.htmRead MoreQ.Best Type Of Grass To Grow In Durham NC - Our backyard is partially shaded in the afternoon. We have tried planting fescue and putting sod down but neither one ...
A.You can try a mixture of tall fescue with shade tolerant varieties of Kentucky bluegrass. (80/20) A combination of grasses works better than just one variety. If you are tired of fighting lawn grass, you can use an alternative to ...Read MoreQ.Why Is My Orange Tree Not Producing Many Leaves Above The Graft Line - My tree got really stressed in the summer and dropped most of its leaves, most survived under the graft line ...
A.The scion, or tree above the graft, may have died. The rootstalk seems to have survived but it will not produce desirable fruit. To check if the upper part is alive or not, scrape some bark off the branches or ...Read MoreQ.Does My Lemon Tree Have A Disease? - My lemon tree's leaves have always had a problem turning yellow, and I always thought it was a magnesium deficiency. ...
A.There could be several problems going on such as insects, overwatering, or fungal issues. Spraying the plant with Neem oil should get rid of any pests and it could help with a fungal infection, too. These articles should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/lemons/lemon-tree-leaves-turn-yellow.htm https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/lemons/common-lemon-tree-diseases.htm https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/citrus/citrus-limb-dieback.htmRead More
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Q.Is My Turnip Growing Right If There Are Leaves - It has green leaves
A.Yes, they need the leaves for root production. Here is more: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/turnip/harvesting-turnips.htm https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/turnip/how-to-use-turnip-greens.htm https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/turnip/turnips-growing.htmRead MoreQ.Trumpet Vine And Hummers, And Aphids - i have two trumpet vines that hummers frequent spring through fall, but last year they were infested with aphids and ...
A.You can try regularly spraying the vines with water to see if that knocks some off. Also, insecticidal soap works but you have to spray it right on the aphids. Ladybugs and their larvae love to eat aphids so plant ...Read MoreQ.How Often Should I Fertilize My Plants? - Like coffee grounds, epsom salt, tea and oat fertilizer, and banana peel,and more
A.Typically, this is done in spring. Now would be a time to start adding these if they are well composted. Though you can add them uncomposted, you will likely be battling fungi and bacteria later. Before you apply the composted ...Read MoreQ.I Would Like A Metal Plant Friendly Sealant To Use On Cut Edge Corrosion And Would Like A Plant Friendly Metal Primer. - I've removed most of the rust by abrasion but I'd like to apply a sealant to prevent it from rusting ...
A.We don't make product recommendations, but this article says to look for non-toxic rust inhibitor or clear enamel to prevent rust on metal. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/containers/metal-containers.htm I did an internet search for plant friendly metal primers and several came up. They had ...Read MoreQ.Help For Small Sago Palm - Florida zone8 This was horribly pot bound, so I planted it straight in the ground. Should I trim off the ...
A.I would not prune anything off that is not completely dead. I see signs of overwatering and fungal infection, both, in the Sago and the Sansevieria. I would absolutely treat with a fungicide, and only water when the area is ...Read MoreQ.Should I Cut These Out Down Or Leave Them Be? - I had covered my tulip bed with leaves and cardboard, today I uncovered them (Feb 15th) and found these long ...
A.I would leave them uncovered as they are and see if the increased light sends up better shoots.Read MoreQ.Best Place To Purchase Okinawa Sweet Potato Plants? - I read your article on Okinawan sweet potatoes, and how to grow them. What I did not see is a ...
A.We don't make vendor recommendations so I can't suggest a place to purchase them. Since they are often sold as live cuttings, I suggest trying to find a local source, such as a nearby plant farm, Farmers Market, or garden ...Read MoreQ.Perennial Rye Grass - I live in North Florida, hot summers cool winters. I spread 150lbs annual rye seed in fall, it burns off ...
A.You can use an improved/perennial rye but it likely will still die out as temperatures rise. Here is more: https://sfyl.ifas.ufl.edu/archive/hot_topics/lawn_and_garden/overseeding_winter_lawns.shtml https://gardeningsolutions.ifas.ufl.edu/lawns/lawn-care/best-care-practices.htmlRead MoreQ.Can Canned Coconut Milk Be Used As A Fertilizer On Plants? - I receive your informative emails. They’re great!
A.I am not finding reputable research that recommends using coconut milk as a general fertilizer. I did see research on testing it on certain plants such as coffee seedlings with favorable results. I also found it can go into the ...Read MoreQ.Production Of Lemon - Sir I have a lemon tree which bears fruit both in winter and summer season I want to make it ...
A.Most lemon trees are grafted. This enables the tree to grow and produce much quicker than if it was produced from seed. Trees grown from seed from a grafted tree will not produce the same as its parent. Grafted trees ...Read MoreQ.Boston Ferns - I live in the desert in California. Can a Boston fern grow here? I know not in the summer since ...
A.They need moist soil, high humidity, and best temperatures are below 95 degrees F., so you could grow it indoors year round and keep it watered and add humidity, or grow it outside and do the same plus keep it ...Read MoreQ.What Is The Best Variety Of Blueberry Bush For Southern Connecticut? - 1. I am taking over for a neglected church garden and want to add blueberries. Best variety? 2. we have ...
A.Before planting blueberries be sure to take a soil test to see if the soil is acidic. If not, the soil will need to be amended to a pH range of 4.0 to 5.0. These articles should help with varieties: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/blueberries/varieties-of-blueberry.htm https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/blueberries/highbush-blueberry-plant-care-grow-highbush-blueberry-plants.htm https://homegarden.cahnr.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/3479/2022/08/Blueberries-are-a-Tasty-Treat.pdf You ...Read MoreQ.We Are Having A Mild Winter In Des Moines, Iowa. With Daytime Temps Anywhere From 40 To Mid 50’s. Night Time 25 To 35. The Groun - d is thawed. Can I transplant some flowers now? I would like to transplant a bridal bush, bee balm and ...
A.No, the weather pattern could change at any moment. It is best to wait till all chance of frost has passed before transplanting. You indicate you are still getting freezing temps at night. Your average last frost dates are in ...Read MoreQ.Roundup In Garden - Hi, I have to highlight this as it’s important that your readers are aware. Excerpt from : The Ecology Center: ...
A.Personally... I won't use glyphosate. To me, it is too much of a risk. This is a complicated subject, though. We have to provide information on the subject, since people still want to use it. What we think becomes irrelevant, in ...Read MoreQ.Can Chicken Pellets Cause Serious Stomach Problems. If So Why Are They Still On Sale .I Am Suffering With A Stomach Problem And Be - lieve it may be connected to chicken pellets I recently put on my allotment as this also happened to me ...
A.Typically, it is safe, if you know where it comes from. Most people have no issues. This is why I say that I cannot diagnose anything medical, because it is not common. There is a risk for those that are ...Read More