nts would anybody recommend to plant. I have brought dahlia and impatiens so far,m. Thank you
Here is an article that will help you to choose perennials that are suited for your area, which is, most, equivalent to our zone 9:
Greetings and Salutations !!! After mastering my lawn, I am moving on to start a flower garden. Anyway, I planted 10 Dahlias and some of them look like they are growing sideways rather than straight up - see below pics. What do I do? Dig them up and replant? Put soil horizontally on the stems? Just stake them from the new location of the stem?
Do you have a pet that might be laying on it? The enlarged hole makes it look like it's being pushed by force and not reaching for the sun.
Make sure the stem isn't soft. There is a disease called stem rot that may affect its ability to remain standing.
I would stake it upright; that is a good idea. Here is growing info about dahlias, plus diseases:
I planted my dahlias but now they are growing they are to close to one another and shading other plants, what can I do?
It's best to wait till fall, after the foliage has died back, but since you live in an area without temperature extremes it should be OK.
You will need to take extra care to see that they are well watered before and after the move. When you dig them up, make sure you get most of the rootball to reduce the transplant shock.
I ordered a Lakeland Autumn Dahlia that was supposed to be orange and pink with pompon shaped petals. This grew instead and is gorgeous but I have no idea what kind of dahlia it is. Anyone think they know? It’s about 4ft tall.
It is not going to be possible to narrow it down to a specific cultivar, unfortunately. All you can say, for certain, is that it is not the cultivar that you have ordered.
I would contact the company that you purchased the seeds from.
Although I can't, really, help much further than that, I can offer one of our articles on the subject of their care:
My dahlias are blooming; however, one of the plants have flowers which turn brown on the bottom after a day or two. I have 2 other plants growing right beside then and neither have the browning issue.
Unfortunately, your photo did not come through. I am unable to determine what is causing your issue.
Brown, usually, indicates fungal or bacterial infection. You may want to use a fungicide to kill or prevent any microbial issues. This article will help:
Hi Guys, can anyone explain/help please. I have numerous Dahlias this year that have flowered really well. However, one plant with very dark leaves has produced clear buds with very little colour and they have struggled to open. It’s only the one plant, and I’m wondering if it’s got a virus or a lack of something. The pics are of five different buds. Thanks in advance.. Stay safe everyone...??
I see signs of a Virus! (Not THAT virus) Dahlia Mosaic Virus is quite the disaster. Since plants do not have an "immune system" they have no way to fight of a virus. This will mean that it will be a permanent installment in the area. It is best to remove the infected plants as soon as you can, since it will tend to spread to all Daliahs in the area. When looking for a replacement, make sure that it is labeled as resistant to Mosaic Virus. This is the only way to prevent future infections.
Here is an article for more information:
Thanks bush doctor I will read up and dispose,??
Do I need to dispose of the soil in the pot too..??
dahlias so i can get bloom through out the spring and summer I have created soil condition which will have adequate drainage hopefully. As i do not wish to takeout the bulbs and tubers at the end of season, and wish to avoid removing and planting every year Thank you All advise will be highly appreciated Thank you
Dahlias are hardy to -12 degrees Celsius (10 F), so they should work in your area. I would plant the dahlias in the outer circle and the bulbs on the inside. That way when the dahlia foliage grows, it will hide the bulb foliage that needs to remain till it withers. You don't say which spring bulbs you'd like to plant, but here are some options. However, planted, they will bypass whichever ones might be in the way. Or you can plant them lasagna style, layering them above each other separated by a layer of soil. The article on succession planting will help. Also, the spring bulbs can be planted in fall and the dahlia tubers in spring.