Can you provide an illustration of how to plant the tubers. I have purchased several dahlias this year for the first time in my garden and want to be sure I am planting them the right direction.
Put the tuber in a hole several inches deep with the “eye” on the tuber facing up. The eye is the point on the shoulder, or crown, of the tuber from which the plant grows. If you are planting a number of dahlias in the same location, they should be separated by about 2 feet to give each plant room to grow.
Here is an article that you may find helpful:
I planted my dahlia bulbs eight days ago and there's no sign of new growth yet. How long before I see signs of life? Also, I dug up and saved smaller dahlias from plants I purchased last year; I planted them too, but no sign of life on them either. Are both of these dahlias dead?
Usually you can see the about that time, I would check carefully, there are very easy to break. In what kind of dirt are they? Dahlias do not like to have wet feet they will rot!! and also they do not like a lot of heat, they prefer to have afternoon shade, the first ones I planted grew huge and where beautiful, they would get to big and I would cut them down, and they would come back LOL
I had no idea what I was doing, but the problem was I left them in the ground and they died..... but I have grown many types of dahlias, just keep them watered and out of afternoon sun, protect them in winter and they will come back the next year. Check your tuber see how they are doing (also ad sand) to the are of planting. (and check how quick the water drains
I'm having trouble with root maggots eating my dahlia tubers. Do you have an organic method to control them? I cannot cover the dahlias with a row cover, as I grow the large dinner plate type.
This article should help:
What is the procedure to germinate Dahlia seeds?
This article will help:
I was wondering if Dahlia flowers attract butterflies? I recently purchased some Dahlias from my nursery and they told me yes, but I wanted to check with you.
I live in Zone 5 (Ohio) where our frost can go as late as the end of May and can start back up again in early October. I am interested in growing Dahlias, but I also know that they bloom late in the season and I am concerned that my growing season will be too short to see a significant amount of blooms. Do I need to start my Dahlias indoors in order to get blooms earlier? (I'm hoping to see consistent blooming by mid-late August) Should I just buy Dahlias that are listed as early bloomers (and does a list like that exist, or do I just comb through catalog descriptions)? Is this even a valid concern?
Yes, you can start them indoors or simply buy the plants. This article will help with growing them:
You will also have to dig them up and store them over winter in your area.
I have noticed the leaves on several of my dahlia stalks are turning yellow from the bottom up. Can you advise what may be causing this problem?
This article may help pinpoint a possible cause: