Q.Weird Dahlias
Hi Guys, can anyone explain/help please. I have numerous Dahlias this year that have flowered really well. However, one plant with very dark leaves has produced clear buds with very little colour and they have struggled to open. It’s only the one plant, and I’m wondering if it’s got a virus or a lack of something. The pics are of five different buds. Thanks in advance.. Stay safe everyone…??

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I see signs of a Virus! (Not THAT virus) Dahlia Mosaic Virus is quite the disaster. Since plants do not have an "immune system" they have no way to fight of a virus. This will mean that it will be a permanent installment in the area. It is best to remove the infected plants as soon as you can, since it will tend to spread to all Daliahs in the area. When looking for a replacement, make sure that it is labeled as resistant to Mosaic Virus. This is the only way to prevent future infections.
Here is an article for more information:

Thanks bush doctor I will read up and dispose,??
Do I need to dispose of the soil in the pot too..??