My Brown Turkey Fig is 18 months old. The figs are the size of a thumb. Spring ones were small but did ripen. Have plenty on the tree now, but small and green. Tree grew a lot this year and looks healthy. I have a soaker hose on it and water every three days 15 minutes. The nights are getting cooler, but we still have very warm days. Should I water more often? We did get rain this year. About 3-4 inches. I'll increase the watering if necessary. How do I protect it? It is near a wall, but it is very windy here in NM. Should I pull plums off when tree begins to lose leaves? Thank you.
Water and nutrients are the key to ripening Figs.
Here are some links to help you including winterizing your Fig Tree.
It has some type of fungus and mold on its branches.
It is difficult from this image to say exactly the issue with your Fig Tree, but the problem is severe and your tree looks in a very poor condition.
Scale and Wooly Aphids can lay down a white covering that would appear like this.
Here are links with more information about these insects and the treatment.
I have had two Turkey figs for 4 years now and every year in the fall they go dormant. The branches darken and die off. In the spring they regrow from the root...why and how to fix? Thank you Cujo
Though the Brown Turkey variety is considered a good choice for a colder location, it is best to add some winter protection.
Your tree is experiencing total winter die back, but the roots are insulated enough to survive.
Here are some links with more information.
My turkey brown fig tree is about 6 years old. It was growing well with good fruit production. This year, after the tree started growing new leaves, half the tree suddenly started losing all its leaves. They were green, looked kind of wet/frozen look. Five weeks later, still no new leaves are growing, the tips are green and have new leaf buds, but they fall off. The other half of the tree is growing good with baby figs. The tree has two main trunks from the ground, one half is just fine and the other one appears to be dying. I do see some webs on the side that is not doing well, which I have treated with Neem oil, but it has not helped! I live in zone 9. Please help!
This sounds very much like Leaf Blight. The dead leaves are often held together with fine threads, much like you describe. The only thing to do is make sure you are removing any disease leaves and dispose of them.
Our fig (5 years old) produces lots of figs but only a few of them grow large and ripen, maybe 10 each year. It's very healthy looking, about 7 feet tall and as wide with lots of foliage. Is there anything I can do to get more figs to ripen?
Young fig trees will often produce many fruit that do not ripen, so perhaps yours just needs a few more years. Excessively hot weather can also cause problems with ripening. These articles will help you:
I have a beautiful fig bush, tall app. 8 ft. several years old. The figs it produces are delicious but small and never get much larger. I believe they are "brown turkey" and when winter comes there are still a lot of figs on the bush but still very small. It looks extremely healthy, no disease that I can see. I cut it back 2 yrs ago, last year let it grow, so maybe I could figure out what to do for large and maybe more figs. thank you
This article will help you with small Figs.
I recently purchased a potted fig tree, standing approximately 29" from top to base, with one fruit growing.The leaves appear to have dried out and curled up and I am wondering what this may indicate and if I should remove the leaves? It is currently sitting on my dining table and I am unsure of the best or next move.. Any help would be gratefully received. Regards. Karen K.
The dried leaves indicate something wrong with your Fig Tree.
Make sure you are adequately watering your Fig.
This link has more information.