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Brown Turkey Fig Trees

Q.Turkey Fig

Zone New Mexico | ukulelelady added on October 4, 2015 | Answered

My Brown Turkey Fig is 18 months old. The figs are the size of a thumb. Spring ones were small but did ripen. Have plenty on the tree now, but small and green. Tree grew a lot this year and looks healthy. I have a soaker hose on it and water every three days 15 minutes. The nights are getting cooler, but we still have very warm days. Should I water more often? We did get rain this year. About 3-4 inches. I’ll increase the watering if necessary. How do I protect it? It is near a wall, but it is very windy here in NM. Should I pull plums off when tree begins to lose leaves?

Thank you.

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Answered on October 5, 2015
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