Q.Saving Basil Leaves - What can I do to save my basil leaves when the plant gets too big? Should I freeze the leaves ...
A.Either method is fine. It really comes down to a personal preference. These articles will help you with either: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/hgen/freezing-herbs.htm https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/hgen/how-to-dry-herbs-various-methods.htmRead MoreQ.Psathyrella Foenisecii Mushrooms - My husband and I own 28 acres in Northeast Indiana. We built our house about nine years ago and have ...
A.There are a few things in your yard you can work to change. This article has more information about those: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/lawn-care/lgen/eliminate-mushrooms-in-your-lawn.htm You can also treat your lawn with a fungicide to help get rid of the mushrooms.Read MoreQ.Lemon Tree’s Leaves Fall Off - We move our lemon trees in every year and all the leaves fall off. The tree is full of blooms, ...
A.Plants need to be acclimated when brought indoors for the winter. This prevents them from going into shock. This article will explain how to do that: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/hpgen/using-pesticides-and-other-chemicals-on-your-houseplants.htmRead MoreQ.Temperature For A Rubber Tree - Can you please tell me the lowest temp.that a rubber tree can withstand? I live in the Atlanta area and ...
A.Rubber trees are generally hardy outdoors in Zones 10-11 where temperatures do not fall below 30 degrees F. It would definitely be a good idea to bring the plant indoors for overwintering unless you can ensure that it's adequately protected. ...Read More
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Q.Yellow Leaves On Roses - We live on a farm in Sutherland, Northern Cape. I'm a beginner gardener with roses. In April this year I ...
A.Chlorosis can be caused by a wide variety of things. At its root, it is a lack of iron in the plant, but the problem can also lie in the plant not being able to take up the iron ...Read MoreQ.Why Are Eggplant Flowers Browning And Falling Off Plant? - Eggplant flowers browning and dropping off. Why?
A.This is typically an issue with pollination. This article will help you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/eggplant/what-to-do-for-eggplant-blossoms-drying-out-and-falling-off.htmRead MoreQ.Bubblegum And Moles - My pest control man said to put bubblegum into the piles of soil dug up from tunnels. Will this get ...
A.I have never heard of using bubblegum before so I cannot say one way or the other as to its effectiveness. However, there are other things you could try. This article should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/mole-control-home-remedies-for-removing-moles-from-your-yard.htmRead MoreQ.Mother-in-Law Plant - We have a plant at work that looks like a mother-in-law plant. It has been there for years. Today we ...
A.These plants do flower, but typically the flowers are a white or cream color. You may have another kind of plant or the plant may have a disease.Read MoreQ.Winter Care For In Ground Hibiscus - I have hibiscus plants in containers that I bring indoors for winter. But I have one in the ground, is ...
A.If it is a hardy hibiscus, it will not need any protection. If it is a tropical hibiscus, than if you are in an area where the temperature gets below 20F, it will not survive, regardless of the protection ...Read MoreQ.Replanting A Lemon Tree - I have a dwarf lemon tree that has been in a pot for about 15-20 years. I would like to ...
A.Spring is the best time to transplant lemon trees. It is likely that it will get larger. In the pot, it may have had to deal with nutrient and water restrictions. In the ground, this will be less of ...Read MoreQ.Hibiscus Replanting For Blooms - I have several hibiscus plants around my pool that do not bloom, do you have any suggestions on how to ...
A.If they are not blooming, they are either not getting enough light or not enough phosphorus. If the plant is lush and green with no blooms, it is likely lacking phosphorus. Give the plant some bone meal to supplement ...Read MoreQ.Dieffenbachia Lily - I have had a Dieffenbachia Lily for about 18 months with no problems. Lately, the leaves have started to yellow. ...
A.While they do not require much water, they do need some water to survive. Water the plant when the soil is dry. If you have been providing water, it may be a fertilizer issue (though they need little fertilizer) ...Read MoreQ.Azalea Disease On Leaves - I have a number of Azalea plants in pots that I've had for about 11 years. I keep them under ...
A.The problem could be attributed to the azalea lace bug. Here is an article that you may find helpful: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/azalea/azalea-lace-bug.htmRead MoreQ.Roma, Cherry And Vine Ripe Tomatoes - How much fertilizer do you need per tomato plant if you grow them 4 plants to a bucket?
A.I would recommend going by the fertilizer label directions. Every fertilizer is a little different and are sold in different strengths, so it would be difficult for me to recommend any specific dose.Read MoreQ.Lime Trees With No Fruit - I have a lime tree that was planted about a year ago. Growth wise it is doing great, new shoots. ...
A.Lime trees need to be at least 3-4 years old before they are mature enough to bear fruit. I would give it another year or two to bear fruit. This article may also help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/lime/reasons-and-fixes-for-lime-tree-not-producing-blossoms-or-fruit.htmRead MoreQ.Leaves Falling Off Rubber Tree Plant - My leaves are falling off the Rubber Tree Plant. What am I doing wrong?
A.There a few things that can cause this. This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/rubber-tree/rubber-tree-plant-leaves-falling-off.htmRead MoreQ.King Of The Garden Pole Lima Beans - I am looking for king of the garden pole lima beans. Do you know where I can get them? -
A.This company sells them: Try doing a Goggle search for growers. Call your local garden centers or greenhouses that sell seeds. You can also check Ebay, they are often a good source of seeds and plants. Read MoreQ.Winter Care Of Hibiscus In Portland - I live in OR (outside of Portland) . I need to know the proper winter care of my outdoors Hibiscus ...
A.Hardy hibiscus does not need any winter protection in your area and should not need any special protection. This article will help with pruning: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/hibiscus/tips-for-pruning-hibiscus-plants-when-to-prune-hibiscus.htmRead MoreQ.Indoor Hibiscus Care - I transplanted my hibiscus yesterday and brought it indoors. I thought the soil was wet enough for a day or ...
A.It is in shock. They need to be acclimated when brought inside. This article will help with that for next time: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/hpgen/using-pesticides-and-other-chemicals-on-your-houseplants.htm It should recover just fine. These plants are prone to losing lots of leaves indoors in the ...Read MoreQ.Transplant Blackberries In Anderson, SC - When is the best time for me to transplant Blackberry plants? I live in Anderson SC 29625. -
A.The best time for transplanting is in early spring, followed by early fall if this planting date is missed. Select a transplant site that provides full sun, air circulation and is well draining. Here is an article that you may ...Read More