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Lime Trees

Q.Pruning Lime Tree

Anonymous added on March 1, 2011 | Answered

I have a lime tree in a pot, which I received a year ago. It is about a foot tall and last year it produced two limes. It is now starting to bud/flower and several branches have clusters of blooms that I don’t think will be able to support as the limes get bigger. My question is, should I reduce the number of buds, and if so, which ones (smaller vs. larger) and how many?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 2, 2011

Yes, I would thin out the fruit. To tell you the truth, for such a small tree, I think that you should not let it fruit at all. Fruiting saps the energy that would be used to grow bigger, so you are better to remove all small fruit (feel free to enjoy their lovely flowers) for at least a year or two.

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