We have been told it is a queens tears, but haven;t been able to confirm it by looking at pics, please help. I have pics of this plant -how can I send you a picture?
You can send us a picture by attaching it to this email and sending it back.
In the meantime, here are more pictures of the plant that may help you confirm its identity better:
I have 2 plants that I cannot id
If you let us know what it looks like, we can help you identify it. Please send us the description.
I have a plant that has green foliage, and every morning tiny flowers open by noon. Then they are gone and next morning they open again. I would like to try to get different colors, if possible, but not sure what the name of this plant could be. The flowers are bluish-purple in color. It is a perrenial and it does seem to spread, gets about 18 inches high.
Without a picture, it is difficult to tell you what plant you have.
I inherited a plant, grass like leaves that curl, not twist. It is not a juncus. The leaves are flat, approximately 1/2 inches wide. They start out straight, start to arch and then eventually curl. The plant acheives a height of approx 8'. Can't take care of it without knowing what it is.
Sure you can! Lots of us are seat-of-the-pants- gardeners and have recieved 'I don''t know what it is, but it's pretty" donations. Without a picture, your plant won't be easy to identify, but by your description, it sounds like a grass. All grasses like sun, water and nitrogen.
I have a 'plant' growing in with my bean plants. It has huge oak-shaped leaves. The stalk of the plant is pretty thick. It has whitish colored flowers. When the flowers come off, it leaves a fuzzy little tip. What is this?
Sounds kind of like lions paw but without seeing it hard to say. I would suggest the following site wssa.net, I find this site very informative and helpful. Keep a green thumb!!
We moved onto this property a few months ago and have recently found some watermelons growing. A neighbor told us that these melons are not edible because they will make you sick. The melons seem to be almost mature and they are the size of a large cantaloupes. They are mostly very light in color with only a little darker green colorings. Please advise us of your opinion.
I would check with your local extension service. We would not feel comfortable making a call on that in case it was a local variety that was not familiar to us. You can call you local extension service and they will be happy to let you know if they are safe to eat or not.
I used some leaf mold in one of my beds and these plants came popping up. Any idea as to what it might be? http://www.box.net/shared/hhhkidcpo321irht3u1l http://www.box.net/shared/nqx0vht6hb4qs6sixe44 Thanks!
Could be seeds from the original plant where you got the "mold." Just hoe them off or pull.