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Zoysia Grass

Q.Zoysia Grass

Bob added on March 2, 2011 | Answered

My lawn is already Zoysia grass but has several “thin” spots. It’s not bad enough to re-sod, but is there something I can do to thicken it up? Can I add Zoysia seeds to the thin spots, or is there a frertilizer that will make it grow and cover the thin spots? I’m in The Villages, in Florida.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 2, 2011

You can reseed, but if zoysia is getting thin, than either it is overshaded or it may have a fungus. I would check the grass in those areas for signs of a fungus and treat the fungus if you find one. Here is some information on common grass fungus:

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