I purchased (again and again) a hanging lobelia, as I never have success with them. I keep trying. Two days after buying it, it is dying. I've tried sun and shade, moving it several times a day to different areas to no avail. It always dies. Does it like moisture, dry, morning sun, afternoon sun, shade partial sun? What am I doing wrong? I need your help PLEASE!
It likes full sun, but try this to get them going:
Plant them in the container and water thoroughly. Then set it in a shady area for 1-2 days (to adjust to being planted). After that, move the plant to a sunny location. Water them two times a day for the first week and once a day after that. Also, make sure that it has good drainage in the pot.
I potted all of the annuals I use for my patio this weekend and they're all doing GREAT except this poor little blue lobelia plant. I put him in a small wrought iron, 'wire' square container with a coconut fiber liner and put it on a white plastic table. I've done exactly the same thing the last few years and have never had a problem (provided I water it daily and twice a day in August). The table is in full sun for about 5-6 hours a day. My poor little guy isn't looking so happy today. The soil is plenty moist but he's all limp and wilted and sad looking. The squirrels always go nuts checking out my new pots for the first week or so, so at first I thought it was just squirrels running through the pot and causing damage, but it's not that. The stems aren't broken and they won't stand back up when I lift them up. They just fall back over like they're made of spaghetti. Any suggestions?
You can try trimming them back some. It does sound like the plant may be getting a bit too much water, and with the intense sunlight, it may simply be suffering from a bit of shock. Make sure to only water when the soil is dry to the touch on top but not dry all the way through and try moving it to a shadier location for now and gradually increase the light.
I put one plant of lobelia in a pot with other plants and it died. It was a 6 pack, so I have another 6 pack and don't want to lose it. Also, is it fussy with watering?
It is not a fussy plant with watering, but if the root balls of the plants were dry when you planted them, this may be the cause of their dying. If the root balls are very dry, they may actually repel water after you plant them. Make sure the root balls are well watered before you plant them and keep them well watered for about a week.
I placed my lobelia under a pine tree. It seems to be overcome with sap. How can I remove the sap from my lobelia plant?
Thank-you Heather. Fortunately the plant has bounced back, also it is in a pot so I am able to move it out from under the pine and will do so every so often. Thanks again.
You can try watering them from above, but, depending on how congealed the sap is, I am not certain how well this will work.
Lobelia is a herbaceous plant and most methods to remove sap are somewhat caustic so would hurt this plant. It may be best to just remember not to plant annuals in that spot for next year.
My mixed lobelia plant leaves are droopy and withered. Is is okay to cut off these leaves even though they have not flowered yet?
Yes, you can trim them. It does sound like the plant may be getting a bit too much or too little water. Make sure to only water when the soil is dry to the touch on top but not dry all the way through.
I bought hanging baskets, which were beautiful for a month. I watered them diligently, lightly fertilized, and they are in a sunny morning - bright shade location. They look terrible, still some blooms but lots of dead areas underneath. Should I cut them back dramatically?
Lobelias can benefit from a trimming to help them grow better. Cut the plant back by about a half to encourage new growth.
They may also be in just a slightly too shady spot. If you can get them to a brighter spot, this may help.
You may also want to water more often. In a container in summer, plants need to be watered at least once a day, twice a day if temps are over 85F.
Thanks so much, Heather.....I'll try your suggestions.
Have lobelia plants with Begonias in large pot. Lobelia has bloomed well but now turning brown. Not in hot sun. What is the problem?
this article may be of help, also a mid-summer trim may encourage new growth on the lobelia: