Do you have Coleus Canina seeds? What is the price and quantity? Can I grow them in Costa Rica?
We do not sell seeds. I would do a search for 'Coleus Canina Seeds' and you should be able to locate a supplier that can ship to you.
Here are a couple of links with growing information.
I had a beautiful Trusty Rusty coleus and now all the leaves are falling off. Why?
There are several possibilities. If the plant was underwatered or (more likely) overwatered, it could lose leaves. Other forms of stress, such as being in too strong sunlight or being infested with an insect or disease, could also cause leaf loss. Coleus is susceptible to a downy mildew fungus and a virus.
Check for other symptoms on the plant, such as signs of insect damage or discoloration.
My coleus sprouted eight weeks ago. They still have only the two baby leaves, and have not gotten bigger nor gained their true leaves. I have tried changing the amount of sun and watering a little less, neither of these worked, and now I am down to 4 sprouts from 7. Should I ditch the lot and start again? I started them in jiffy pellets in a covered container and removed the cover after they sprouted, which was actually considerably faster than expected.
Coleus seedlings can be slow growing, but they should begin to grow faster if they have the right conditions. They may be too cold- try putting them in a warmer spot but also give them plenty of light. You could also try adding a bit of fertilizer.
I tried putting them directly under a solar tube for extra light and warmth. but it dried them out too fast. that is how
I lost two of the sprouts. They are near a south facing window for light now.
thank you. did try fertilizing about three weeks ago, but still no change at all. it is a steady 76 degrees Fahrenheit in here, is that too cool?
This summer has been extremely warm so I've left it outside. But this morning it dropped suddenly to the high 30's and now it's looking a little limp. Was I too late? It's already up to 62° here so I'm sure the plant is getting confused.
Coleus will be killed if the temperature goes below freezing, so you should bring the plant indoors now. Since the temperatures only reached the high 30s, and the plant doesn't look dead, it will probably be fine.
I live in Goa, India and the rains here are unpredictable. Two days ago I planted cuttings of coleus chocolate mint. After an hour it rained continuous for two hours, then again last night it rained heavily so I didn't water them this morning, as it seemed quite okay with the leaves standing nicely but towards evening it looked like it died as there was sun whole day. I watered them a bit. Will they survive? Also, had posted question about Lily bud surviving as I had transplanted it to different place..thankfully it has opened up to show four buds inside the green one which was previously there. Could you please tell me the Lily name or variety by looking at the leaves and bud..big long leaves?
Young seedlings that receive too much water will no likely survive. You can easily start mint in pots.
Planting mint in pots also will help you contain the plant, as mint will become invasive in the ground.
From this stage of bud on your Lily, we cannot make an identification.
Can I keep my plant alive, if I keep it inside all winter? I'm from Michigan. Thanks, Pam
Yes, you can winter them indoors.
Here is an article with information on this task.
How can I save my large coleus plants outside for the winter?
Here is a link with information to help you.