I live in Goa, India and the rains here are unpredictable. Two days ago I planted cuttings of coleus chocolate mint. After an hour it rained continuous for two hours, then again last night it rained heavily so I didn’t water them this morning, as it seemed quite okay with the leaves standing nicely but towards evening it looked like it died as there was sun whole day. I watered them a bit. Will they survive?
Also, had posted question about Lily bud surviving as I had transplanted it to different place..thankfully it has opened up to show four buds inside the green one which was previously there. Could you please tell me the Lily name or variety by looking at the leaves and bud..big long leaves?
Young seedlings that receive too much water will no likely survive. You can easily start mint in pots.
Planting mint in pots also will help you contain the plant, as mint will become invasive in the ground.
From this stage of bud on your Lily, we cannot make an identification.