About 4 to 5 years ago, I moved several perennials from my deceased parents yard to mine. Most were just decent sprigs to start my own garden in their memory. Now the spirea has grown massive for my small garden and is towering over all my azaleas. I do not want to destroy them but need to know when the best time would be for me to transplant them to a new location. Should I wait until all the leaves fall off? The area I would like to put them has very little soil, more tree roots, soil is hard as a rock, and very little sun. How will spirea do in the shade? Will hydrangeas survive there too?
Spring or fall is the best time to move plants, so at this point if you can wait until the fall, that would be best.
In terms of the conditions where you will move them, the spirea will do ok in the soil, but needs at least 4 hours of light. The hydrangea will do ok in the shade, but needs a more loamy soil. This article can help you with amending the soil easily: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/soil-fertilizers/lasagna-gardening.htm
I just purchased some gold mound spirea for planting and they looked great a week ago, and now the leaves are turning brown on one of them. Yes, they've been watered. Why are they turning brown?
It sounds like it may have transplant shock. This article will help:
Just planted a 4-gal. white Spirea bush 10 ft. from bird feeders in tree and on ground. The song birds and squirrels are gone. Is the bush at fault? Oak Point, TX (10 mi East of Denton on lake Lewisvilie).
I highly doubt it was the shrub that spooked them. These shrubs are havens for most birds and small wildlife creatures. Give it some time (and make sure the feeders are full) and I am confident they will return.
I bought a double play gold spiraea a few weeks ago and the whole inside is brown and the outside is now wilting and turning brown. Is it dying should I take it back?
All 6 of my plants have dead spots. It has been extremely hot and dry here. The middle of the plants at the base also have spider webs. I have started watering them, but wonder what else I should be doing for them. I have been told they do not get spider mites, but maybe they have something else that leaves webs. Should I cut off all the dead branches?
Most likely it is a combination of heat/drought stress and a pest infestation, like spider mites--which do in fact affect these shrubs. Try upping the water and treat the plant with neem oil, which will take care of the pest and is a fungicide as well.
Do I have to wait for cooler temperatures before applying the neem oil? We have been in a heat wave. thankfully we are getting rain.
I bought a Spirea about 5 years ago and was told it was a Vanhoutte. At the time I asked the difference between Bridal Wreath and Vanhoutte. Was told that there was no difference and they were the same. Now I don't know what I have. I wanted a spirea that cascades in an arch and blooms white. Mine blooms white and is about 5 feet tall now, but really doesn't cascade that much. What do I have?
Bridal Wreath spirea are actually a style of spirea and S. Vanhoutte is one of the varieties that are considered a Bridal Wreath style of spirea. What you have is likely a Vanhoutte. I am not sure why it is not cascading as much, but it may just need a little more time to reach its full size.
My bushes started to come; however, the leaves on them are sparse.
Probably the harsh winter caused them some problems. They should come along in their own time, maybe with a little extra fertilizer. This article on spirea will help you keep them at their best: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/spirea/growing-spirea-shrubs.htm