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Q.What is difference between Vanhoutte and Bridal Wreath Spirea?

Zone 5 | lintowin added on August 16, 2012 | Answered

I bought a Spirea about 5 years ago and was told it was a Vanhoutte. At the time I asked the difference between Bridal Wreath and Vanhoutte. Was told that there was no difference and they were the same. Now I don’t know what I have. I wanted a spirea that cascades in an arch and blooms white. Mine blooms white and is about 5 feet tall now, but really doesn’t cascade that much. What do I have?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 20, 2012

Bridal Wreath spirea are actually a style of spirea and S. Vanhoutte is one of the varieties that are considered a Bridal Wreath style of spirea. What you have is likely a Vanhoutte. I am not sure why it is not cascading as much, but it may just need a little more time to reach its full size.

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