Why are the leaves of my plumeria plant curling? I have it in a pot.
This could be a watering issue. They will not tolerate drying out. Make sure the pot size is adequate for the root system.
Here is a link to refresh you on the care requirements.
I have a small plumeria given to me by a friend. I have it planted in a nice pot on the patio where it is in the sun all day. I water it a couple times a week. The leaves have begun dropping off. Am I giving too much water or not enough? Why am I losing leaves?
Make sure the pot and soil is draining properly. Wet, soggy soil will cause root rot.
Plumeria prefer to have a good watering and then dry slightly.
If the temperatures are above 85 degrees you will need to likely water more often.
Here is a link to refresh you on the care requirements.
Can I leave it or should I cut it below the gash? This final fall broke the flowering limb. I've prepared it for drying and will plant it once that's done. The gash can't be cut straight without cutting the other limbs. What's your recommendation?
First I would support the plant to reduce the weight to the one side.
Allow the wound to heal naturally. Watch for insects or disease. Neem Oil can be used on the wound if you see any signs of problems.
This could be a good time to take cuttings and start new plants but I would only choose that option if they plant starts to suffer.
My plumeria has a seed like protrusion and I don't know what it is. Is it a seed?
After more research, I found that it is a seed pod. Seed pods are only occasionally produced on Plumeria plants. The pod will mature in 9 to 10 months then release 20 to over 100 papery winged seeds! This is my second one, the first died from lack of knowledge.
I overwatered Plumeria, leaves wilting. Almost immediately repotted the 4 ft plant, it began to struggle. I finally invested in a water gauge, determined it was way too wet, so repotted again, hoping the roots will recover and regenerate. Should I also be plucking off the dead and dying leaves so more engergy is diverted to the roots? I am in Los Angeles, and we have had a number of heat waves, and that may be part of the cause of the plant stress.
You can prune back the the plant to about 12 inches high. This should help the plant recover. I would also shield it from the hot sun until it has a chance to recover.
Here is a link to help refresh you with the care requirements.
I have a approx. 4 year old Plumeria started from a cutting. As you can see, it is quite leggy and almost to the ceiling, which will pose a problem soon. Not sure if/what might be the best resolution for this. It has never flowered. The pics are from early morning. It is a sun room and gets lots of light, a bit more filtered then outside though. Can you help? Thank you, Sunny
Plumeria can reach 30 feet tall!
Here is a link that will help you with pruning.
I have several Plumerias in my small patio and would like to plant some of them together in the same pot to consolidate the area. They are now all in 1-gal pots. Will they like to be together and how large of a pot do I need to put 3-4 plants in the same pot of different variety and color? My plumerias are only 1-2 years old and haven't bloomed yet. Thank you Valerie
Plumeria will actually grow in proportion to their pot.
I would suggest actually purchasing a couple of pots in the 3 to 4 gallon size.
Then when you remove the plants you can determine which pot will fit the root system with some grow for growth.
To large of a pot can lead to overwatering and root rot. Aim for a tighter fit.
Your Plumeria needs plenty of sunlight, pruning and fertilizer to encourage blooming.
I'm listing a few links that will help with blooming and care information.