Are Plumeria leaves poisonous to pets?
They are toxic to pets, but they are more likely to cause a rash or discomfort for the animal than to kill the animal.
Now that most of my Plumeria plants are brown from the frost, do we cut them off, and if so, when and how far? We live in Houston, TX.
This article will help you:
I inherited some gorgeous Plumerias. Any help on when and how to prune them would be appreciated. They are very healthy and gorgeous pink, yellow, and white yellow blooms. When should they be fertilized and what is your recommended fertilize to use on them, or is there one generic fertilize that will work on all plants, Azalea's, Bird of Paradise, Hibiscus, etc.
This article should help with that:
Leaves can turn yellow for a wide variety of reasons. This article will help you determine what may be affecting yours:
How to get rid of white flies on my plumeria plants? We have about 30 plumeria plants at this time. About a year ago, they got white flies. We have tried everything from nurseries to online products to get rid of them, and spent hundreds of dollars on products. Do you have a solution? We had to build a sunroom onto our porch to house all of these now and a few in the house. Need to get rid of these little white devils. Bobbie
Neem oil should take care of them. Here is some more info on whiteflies as well as neem oil:
My plumeria tree has lost all leaves. I think the problem is the yellow leaves. Can you tell me how to stop this from killing my tree?
What type do you have and where do you live? Most likely you have a deciduous type in which they normally shed their leaves this time of year as they go dormant.
If you have a tropical type, it needs to be brought indoors, as the cold weather will likely kill it, which could be another possibility.
Live in Dallas, Texas. More pleasant fall weather next day.
It can tolerate temps down to 30F, but it does not hurt to cover it with a blanket to help stave off damage.