I have several peace lilies, all doing well. But one of the lilies has a very sticky residue on the leaves. What is the best way to clean the leaves off without harming the plant?
Here are a couple of great links!
My peace lily leaves turn black. Can you possibly tell me why and what I should do about it? Thank you so much.
Black leaves can be the plant suffering from a build up of soluable salts. This can happen when the water is not allowed to drain though the pot.
Salt builds up and burns the roots.
Water the plant by placing in the tub or sink and run water through the soil well. Allow to drain and then dry out. When the top inch or so is dry, repeat the process.
If the plant continues to turn black it may be to far gone to save.
I have a peace lily which is thriving with lots of new leaves and flowers sprouting almost daily. However, the older flowers have turned from white to green and the yellow seed bit has gone dark green. Have they reached the end of their life, and should I cut them off?
When the flower first forms it is usually green like the rest of the leaves. As it opens it turns from green to white.
As the bloom ages it takes on a more green shade again and eventually will turn completely green.
The color change is due to chlorophyll. Because the flower is actually a form of leaf. The process of photosynthesis takes place and the flower absorbs the sunlight and turns green.
When the flower collapses you can cut it off.
Here is a link about the care of Peace Lily plants.
My peace lily has green flowers instead of white. What is the cause of this? I have it in front of my patio door. It only gets sun in the morning.
This is common.
The spathe starts out green, then turns white and as it ages it generally turns green again.
This color change is due to chlorophyll, plants absorb sunlight through the chlorophyll molecule in the photosynthesis process.
The spathe is actually a leaf so it preforms photosynthesis.
My peace lily seems to be happy in front of low-light window, but it doesn't bloom, and I'd love to see blooms. It's 30" tall, 42" wide, and three years old. Any suggestions?
Here is a link with help.
The peace lilies are on a bright porch, but no direct sunlight and have a lot of spathes, but they are never white.
Here is an article that discusses this phenomenon:
Here is an article on the care of peace lilies that will also be helpful. The better you follow this care plan the more likely you will get a white flower:
Happy gardening!
What should the pH of a peace lily be? Do they like more alkaline or more acidic soil? My pH tester reads about 5.5 Thank you.
My research indicates a pH between 5.8 to 6.5 is ideal. For more information on peace lilies, please visit the following link:
Happy gardening!