We have a large kaffir lime tree on our property...at least 10 feet tall. Can you give me some advice on what to do regarding bringing it back to manageable proportions? I love fresh kafir lime leaves for cooking. Cheers, Carol Lowry
This article will give you tips and guidelines on how to prune a lime tree:
For more information on the care of kafir lime trees, please visit the following link:
I have a Thai lime tree in a pot. So far as I know, it is not grafted, but about 6 inches above the soil line a big branch has come out that has totally different leaves (rounded tips, single leaf, very large and glossy) and very large citrus fruit forming, much larger than the little Kaffir limes on the main tree. The branch is definitely not grafted onto the trunk. Do you think this is a fluke or is it somehow a sucker that has appeared out of the trunk of the Kaffir tree? Thank you, Wanda Armstrong
It would be very common for the Thai Lime tree to be grafted onto a root stock, and I do believe that is what your seeing. A growth from the root stock. There is no way to really know what was used as the root stock unless the grower you purchased from would have a record of the root stock that was used.
From my research Trifoliate orangne is a common root stock, from which the fruit is not edible, but it certainly could be something else.
I would remove the branch, as it can zap the energy from your tree.
I have included a link to Thai Lime Tree care.
This will need re-potting shortly, as roots coming out of bottom of 8cm pot. What compost should I use? Is the plant lime tolerant (i.e can I use hard water from the tap or rain water)? What is best to use in base of pot to help drainage?
Citrus trees should be watered with clean rainwater whenever possible. Tap water is often treated with chlorine which can be harmful to lime trees. If your tap water is treated with chlorine, you will want to invest in a filter to remove the chlorine from the tap water. If a filter is not a possibility, you can leave the water you use on your citrus tree to stand uncovered for 24-48 hours before you water your tree and the chlorine should evaporate to harmless levels. If your tap water is hard (alkaline) you will want to add a tablespoon of vinegar to 1 gallon of water to lower the pH.
Placing gravel or small stones in the bottom of the container will help improve drainage. i would use a potting mix made for citrus or you can make your own with a mix of equal parts soil, sand and peat moss.
For more information on the care of kaffir lime trees, please visit the following link:
I was given this plant almost 3 years ago. Do I pick the old leaves off the old stems to promote growth? I've pruned it in the beginning of March and one long stem with many leaves has grown. Is that normal?
What you are seeing after pruning is very normal. Pruning encourages branching and a more bushy plant. That long wayward branch can actually be pruned again! I would recommend continued modest pruning over leaf picking at this point. I would reserve leaf picking for when the tree is more mature. If you decide to pick leaves, do only a few because your tree is not very leafy at this point.
For more information on the care of kaffir lime trees, please visit the following link:
I just replaced the new big pot. I see the leaves keep burning every day look like it is going to die. How can I rescue this tree before it die? At the same time I replaced 2 pots, but the other one was okay. Excepted that one.
Without a photo, it's hard to say, but it sounds like maybe your kaffir lime might have bacterial leaf scorch. Here is an article on leaf scorch for your review:
Happy gardening!
My Kaffir Lime has been badly frosted. Damage has been done but is it possible to cut it back and let it grow again? It it approximately 5 ft high. Thank you.
You can trim away the dead material and wait and see.
Here is a link to refresh you on the care.
It is spring in Sydney, Australia and I have a dwarf Kaffir lime tree in a pot and it is growing new leaves that are completely black. The remaining tree has perfect glossy leaves. What on earth could this be? I gave the tree a sprinkling of chicken manure pellets and feed it a seaweed solution every once in a while. It was potted with a mixture of citrus potting mix and certified organic potting mix for vegetables. Any suggestions appreciated.
This is Sooty Mold.
Here is a link that will help you.