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Kaffir Lime Trees

Q.Picking leaves off my kaffir lime tree

Zone I'm in Chicago, Illinois | Janesays777 added on April 28, 2015 | Answered

I was given this plant almost 3 years ago. Do I pick the old leaves off the old stems to promote growth? I’ve pruned it in the beginning of March and one long stem with many leaves has grown. Is that normal?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 29, 2015

What you are seeing after pruning is very normal. Pruning encourages branching and a more bushy plant. That long wayward branch can actually be pruned again! I would recommend continued modest pruning over leaf picking at this point. I would reserve leaf picking for when the tree is more mature. If you decide to pick leaves, do only a few because your tree is not very leafy at this point.

For more information on the care of kaffir lime trees, please visit the following link:

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