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Top Questions About Heliotrope Plants

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Questions About Heliotrope Plants

  • Answered by
    theficuswrangler on
    June 9, 2014

    Black spots in the middle of leaves sound like some kind of fungus. While an occasional leaf that gets a spot is nothing to worry about, but when a number of leaves start to show them, then you've got a problem. Cut off the spotted leaves to prevent possible spread of disease.
    I think you're probably watering too much. A potted plant shouldn't need water more than once a week, maybe twice if it's in high light. Here are two articles that might be of help to you, one on heliotrope, and one on caring for potted plants. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/heliotrope/growing-heliotrope-plants.htm
    A little tip about watering your plant. Take a spoon and dig up a little soil from an inch or two down into the plant. Squeeze it together between your fingers -- if water comes out, don't put any more water into your plant.

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