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Heliotrope Plants

Q.heliotrope looks healthy, but it has a big black spot

Zone Zone 6 | rosesrnice added on June 8, 2014 | Answered

When I purchased my Heliotrope plant it was beautiful. I water in the morning and late afternoon. The plant is in a flower pot. The heliotrope looks healthy with lush green leaves and nice fragrant blooms. My issue is the black (quarter size) spots in the middle of otherwise healthy looking leaves.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 9, 2014

Black spots in the middle of leaves sound like some kind of fungus. While an occasional leaf that gets a spot is nothing to worry about, but when a number of leaves start to show them, then you've got a problem. Cut off the spotted leaves to prevent possible spread of disease.
I think you're probably watering too much. A potted plant shouldn't need water more than once a week, maybe twice if it's in high light. Here are two articles that might be of help to you, one on heliotrope, and one on caring for potted plants. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/heliotrope/growing-heliotrope-plants.htm
A little tip about watering your plant. Take a spoon and dig up a little soil from an inch or two down into the plant. Squeeze it together between your fingers -- if water comes out, don't put any more water into your plant.

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