I have found out what to to do . Its just the % of Neem Oil to one litre or strength.
One teaspoon of neem oil to one quart of water is the common measurement. The best way to mix it is with warm water and a few drops of dish soap. You should check the label on your oil, however, to determine the strength, and use more or less depending on the instructions. Only mix up what you intend to use immediately, as it will lose its potency if it sits too long.
Hello I have a fuschia in a large pot and I see there are two types of miracle grow plant food capsules available. Which one should I use for my fuschia? and is there a list of which plants to use which miracle gro product? Thanks Richard
We don't make product recommendations but here are some articles about fuchsia that should help. I grow fuchsias each summer and I use a 10-10-10 slow-release fertilizer every couple of months.
rods and after only one week it's looking like it's dying. Why is this? It's been watered daily and sitting in sunshine!!! Lea ves dropping off, buds dropping off??? Thank you. This plant was healthy when planted. Can we save it?
It sounds like a double dose of shock and overwatering. Unless you are in the throes of 80-plus degree F heat, your plant probably doesn't need daily watering.
plant seems to be wilted most of the time. Have been misting it, watering it, etc. since Sunday. can you guide me please? thank you in advance.
I'm going to guess that it's had too much water, but the symptoms look the same from too much or not enough water. If the soil isn't draining quickly enough, the roots could be having trouble absorbing water - just a possibility.
Plant isn’t doing so well. At first I thought I was over watering but I’ve cut down on the watering and the plant still looks like it’s dying.. please help as this was the plant given to my sisters and I at our mothers funeral. I really want this plant to live!
It does look like overwatering. Unfortunately, bacterial infections from overwatering won't resolve on its own.
Fungicides can help, but make sure that you change the soil out to fresh soil, as well. Make sure to let the soil dry out, completely, down to about 2 inches between waterings, and make sure that the container has drainage holes to let all extra water out. Dump any water that collects in the drip pan.
Here are some articles that will help:
I want to plant Swingtime Fuschia in a hanging basket with a small Cypress. The fertilizer I use on the Cypress is Scott's Evergreen Flowering Tree & Shrub (11-7-7). Is that too acidic for the Fuschia to do well?
I would not plant the two in the same container. They will compete for nutrients and space, and likely, one will kill the other over time.
I will include articles for the care of each:
I do think that the fertilizer won't be too horrible for it, but you will want to dilute it in half, and add supplemented phosphorus and potassium for the best results.
No additional questions or information needed.
You will have to mulch well and even then you might lose a bush fuchsia during the winter. They are considered to be prolific and invasive, but any plant's roots will head toward water, so I'm not sure you want anything planted near the water line. I would suggest planting it elsewhere.