We have had a branch break off our fruitless mulberry. I know this tree is over 40 years old. The knobs seem huge. We have been in a drought for a couple years. The tree gets pollarded once a year. What can we do to keep the rest of the branches from breaking off? The tree is right next to our fence. Is it too old, or the drought, or the way it has been pruned all these years? Any ideas on what to do? This tree is at my 76 year old mother's house and I am trying to prevent any more damage.
One of the main declines in health of a Mulberry Tree is lack of water.
They are considered to be heavy water drinkers and drought can cause stress on a tree.
Mulberry decline can be seen as wilting, yellowing leaves, loss of vigor and that can cause limb damage and the eventual death of the tree.
Lack of a fertilizer schedule can also add to a trees decline. Once a tree has entered a decline, it's can be difficult for the tree to recover.
Your tree has developed a large gall and it can be caused by fungi, bacteria, insects or injury to the tree.
Your tree appears in very close proximity to structures and I would suggest you have this tree examined by a qualified Arborist to determine it's safety and if your tree is able to be saved.
I am developing a property in Corfu and it has a pool (constructed). My neighbour has decided to pant a mulberry tree on the boundary which concerns me. I understand this grows to be a big tree and is deciduous which is even more worrying. The root system is big and is capable of affecting my pool construction. How far should it be planted away from the boundary? And will it attract bugs and the like during the summer? Can you advise?
You will want to make sure the tree is planted at least 6 feet from sidewalks and driveways.
Here is a link with more information.
Is it necessary to prune a Fruitless Mulberry annually? Mine has been pruned each year and has the round knobs at the end of each limb. I am too old to do it myself and really cannot afford the $100 charge to have it done each year. But I have been told that it must be pruned each year.
As this article explains, trees like yours that have been pollarded (forming the round knobs at the end of limbs) do need to be pruned every other year at least:
A tree that was previously pollarded and then not pruned for years could become overgrown and need more expensive maintenance later:
My Fruitless Mulberry has not grown! It was planted 7+ years ago. It leafs out every year, but it has not put on any height!! How do I make it grow tall??
A Fruitless Mulberry Tree should be planted in a full sun location.
Pruning back the tree can help promote new growth, do this in the early spring.
They do need regular watering until they are well established.
When do leaves start to bloom in spring on Mulberry tree. Ours has buds, but no leaves.
The small, light-green flowers will appear in early spring.
The leaves will began to fill in after the Catkins began to mature.
I just lost a full-grown beautiful fruitless mulberry from possible root rot. What do I need to do to prevent my other full-grown tree from dying, too? It's top leaves didn't leaf out this year but the rest seems OK. It was hit by lightening twice last year. Was our drought to blame? Are gophers to blame? I'm always putting down poison for them. Should I water more, water less? I do feed 15-15-15 3x a year for the rose garden nearby. Feed the tree, too, or not? I am very worried about the tree. It's midnight here and I don't have a photo to send, sorry.
Your growing zone is 9a.
The recommend growing zone for a Fruitless Mulberry is zones 3-9.
You fall into the range of this tree, but with the issues you have had, it would seem it's marginal to your garden.
Refresh yourself on the care requirements with the link below.
I would also recommend you contact your local County Extension Office to enquire on the success of a Fruitless Mulberry Tree growth in your area.
Here is a link to help you locate the nearest office.
Can I compost the leaves for use in the garden?
Yes! These leaves are a very good compost material that is high in nutrients, and are non-toxic. This will be perfectly safe.