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Fruitless Mulberry Trees

Q.Is it necessary to prune Fruitless Mulberry tree?

Zone 95945 | nadinebass added on January 16, 2017 | Answered

Is it necessary to prune a Fruitless Mulberry annually? Mine has been pruned each year and has the round knobs at the end of each limb. I am too old to do it myself and really cannot afford the $100 charge to have it done each year. But I have been told that it must be pruned each year.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 19, 2017

As this article explains, trees like yours that have been pollarded (forming the round knobs at the end of limbs) do need to be pruned every other year at least:


A tree that was previously pollarded and then not pruned for years could become overgrown and need more expensive maintenance later:


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