Q.Yellowish white spots on my cherry tomatoes – disease?
I have about eight cherry tomato plants and they’re producing nicely. But some of the fruit has yellowish white splotches just under the skin. Is this wilt disease? Are the tomatoes edible?
It's hard to make diagnoses of tomato diseases just from photos. Your plants may have TSWV, and if they do you should destroy the vines as soon as possible. Bag and throw away. However, that discoloration could also be caused by stink bugs, and even high temperatures. In any case, the tomatoes are still edible, according to university studies. It's best to get a diagnosis from a university botany dept, or the county extension service. This link will help you locate one: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/info/what-is-extension-service.htm