Could you please advise why my tomato plants are turning yellow. The soil is new, and I'm using organic compost together with a wetting agent. My tomato plants are cherry tomatoes, which usually resist any fungus/bugs etc. -
The soil may be too wet. Has it rained a lot where you live recently? If you have not read it, this article may help:
Why are my tomato leaves turning yellow? They are in containers on my deck and seem okay otherwise. There is no sign of mites. They are cherry tomatoes and are fruiting alright.
It sounds like it may be a lack of nutrients. Add some slow release fertilizer to the container. It may also be a problem with water. Make sure that you are watering at least once a day if the temperatures go above 65F and twice a day when the temps are above 85F.
Can I make cherry tomatoes 'bush' more than vine?
Pinching encourages bushier growth. Here is an article that you may find helpful:
This link provides growing info for cherry tomatoes:
I only have room for a few plants. Can I plant a cherry tomato plant with two full size tomatoes?
The following article should be of some help to you:
I am growing several cherry tomato plants in large pots. All of them are doing great except for one red cherry tomato plant. It does not take water. More than half the water comes out the bottom, while the others soak up all the water we give them. It is growing, but not nearly has much as the others. Is there something I can do?
The soil may be over dried, which actually causes it to repel water. Leave the hose on it for 15 minutes or so and just let the water run through the container to reyhdrate the water.
My husband planted a pepper plant next to a cherry tomato plant in our graden. The cherry tomato plant has a growth on it that is in the shape of a pepper.
No, they cannot. It sounds like you have a mislabled plant or a fused fruit. There are varieties of tomatoes called stuffers that can look very similar to peppers, they are even hollow inside like peppers (and good for stuffing, hence the name stuffers).
There is also a condition where two or more blossoms fuse together and the fruit essentially grows as a siamese twin fruit. This can also give the tomato a pepper like shape.
My potted Cherry tomato plants have a small worm that is eating the leaves. They seem to stay under the leaf while they're eating. How do I get rid of them?
Commonly referred to as hornworms--many of these insects can be easily removed by hand or with the use of soapy water sprays (mixture of liquid ivory soap, water and vegetable oil). Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) can be sprayed on the plants. This insecticide attacks the digestive system of the insects but is not harmful to humans or plants, so using it on tomatoes is safe. Dusting tomato plants with red pepper will also help to deter the tomato worms.