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Container Hibiscus Plants

Q.Yellow hibiscus leaves

Anonymous added on July 1, 2014 | Answered

My hibiscus has leaves turning yellow. It’s only two feet tall and a pot. It’s been doing wonderfully for the last few months. Blooms every couple days. I water it every other day. It’s on my patio on the north side of the house (gets lots of sunlight but not a lot of the noon sun and heat. I haven’t put any fertilizer on it yet. I noticed the other day that a few leaves around the bottom of the plant turning yellow. I watered it a little more and the other leaves were fine until yesterday. I noticed more leaves turning yellow and the blooms have been infrequent (only one bloom every week, sometimes). I leave it outside right now, Ohio’s weather has been fairly decent, not too rainy or hot. Is there anyway to get the leaves to stop turning yellow?

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