Q.Will My Northern Highbush Blueberry Survive A Temporary Move To A Warmer Climate?
I currently live in a zone 6 climate and purchased two blueberry plants last year that are in containers (Reka and Bluecrop northern highbush varieties). I will be temporarily moving to a warmer climate (zone 14) for 1-2 years before I move to a zone 4. I would like to bring my blueberry bushes with me, but I am concerned about them surviving the warmer climate. Do you have any advice as to how I can care for them during these moves? Is it even possible for them to survive and produce through all these transitions? Thank you
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Northern highbush won't do well in that hot climate. A Southern highbush or rabbiteye would be better. If you want to try, here are instructions for the northern highbush but I think I would find them a new home.