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Hosta Plant

Q.will hostas grow here

Zone Carefree, AZ | Anonymous added on May 12, 2020 | Answered

I live in Carefree , AZ. We have light frost 2 or 3 times a winter. But, in the summer we can have several days above 110. If I put Hostas on a drip system, follow directions about the soil, (we have terrible soil, gritty type) where I plant them, will they survive living here? I can add better planting soil when planting. I do have a shady side of the house and would love to have some of the plants that I had out East around our house.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 15, 2020

You are right on the very edge of where they can survive. With lots of care, and protection from summer sun, they should be able to grow for you. I think that your plan seems sound, and that with that care you will be able to grow them.



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