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Propagating Plants

Q.Will A Cutting Last Without Pot Until Spring?

Zone Lakewood CA | Kimi added on October 12, 2021 | Answered

I’m in CA and with winds a branch broke off my plumeria. Will the cuttings be ok if I lay in garage through winter until spring or should I try planting now even though it’s getting colder..

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 12, 2021

Probably depends on the size and if it calluses well. Plumeria cuttings work well when they are about 1 foot long or so. The smaller (less than a foot) that they are, the more chance of problems. Not saying it is impossible but a 1” cutting mMay be difficult for example. Hopefully it calluses well and starts growing back next year. You can plant it in a pot now or not; your choice. If it still has leaves, I would pot it.

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