Q.Why Some Of My Plumerias Don’t Bloom
I have three, all mature, a pink and a white that have both bloomed dependably before. The other is a fuchsia and it bloomed a little once. The last several years only my white one sets flowers. The white and pink are inches away from each other and the other is about 3 feet away. All get the same sun and water and fertilizer ( miracle grow super bloom). Any thoughts?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It may be the fertilizer. They are quite picky about the NPK values. Usually, a 10-30-10 is best.
Another thing to note is that your fertilizer of choice is water soluble and fast acting. Fertilizers like these need to be applied every 2 weeks to a month. Underfertilazation could be responsible depending on how you feed.
They are quite particular about pruning, as well. Pruning out of season will halt flowering production.
Here are two articles that will help: