Q.Why Should You Avoid Replanting Large Plants That Are Actively Budding Or Blooming.
I just noticed my Peace Lilly was planted in a tiny pot and dropped into a giant pot by the florist that someone sent to my dad’s funeral. It really needs reposted. But it has one of those white flower looking things on it, and your repotting large plants article says you should avoid replanting large plants that are actively budding or blooming. Why is that, what will happen if I repot it with the flower thing on it?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Repotting when a plant is in flower can stress it out and it will likely drop the buds or flowers. Peace lilies are one of those plants that actually bloom better when slightly rootbound so repotting may not be urgent.
But in the case of peace lilies, I don't think repotting it when in flower will do it harm if you don't want to wait for the bloom to fade. Here is how: