Q.Why Is My Mint New Growth Getting Eaten?
I have a mint plant in my garden that grew lovely the first couple of years. However I’ve noticed all the new growth stems that appear from the ground disappear as soon as they start to emerge. Normally there is nothing left to see but I noticed one stem looks like it’s been sliced off at the head. I can’t work out what is causing the damage. Is it been eaten by slugs and snails? Or could be cats? Any advice would be appreciated.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, your photos did not come through, and I can't see any evidence of what could be causing your issue.
It could be a number of things, though. Slugs, rabbits, worms, aphids, thrips, and snails will all munch on mint.
for many insects and worms, a nifty bacterium known as Bacillus thuringiensis will do the trick. It won't harm us in any way. (In fact, you probably eat more than you know) This article will help:
For rabbits and larger pests- You might try predator urine:
This collection of article will help you with growing mint: