Q.What/Why Do I Have Dead Baby Flies on Tips of Dead Japanese Maple Branches?
I have 5 laceleaf maples that have multiple baby dead flies on the tips of the brown dead branches. One of which it appears the entire tree is completely dead, except for the trunk itself. I am not sure if aphids got to them as I don’t see any; however, something has attracted the flies to all of them, but then they die either while they are sucking the sap or after sucking what attracted them to begin with. Can you please tell me whether it is from aphids or the flies? Please HELP. I am trying to determine if ladybugs will work or if I should spray with Dawn dish soap. Also, will Dawn kill ladybugs? (In case I need both of these organic measures. ) Thank you for any help.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It could be aphids or a similar pest that sucks the sap and produces honeydew, which could attract the flies. The honeydew is sticky, which may have trapped the flies on the leaves.
I would treat the trees with neem oil. It is organic and very effective on the kinds of pests that suck sap and kill plants that way. Here is more information on it: