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Bottle Palm Tree

Q.What’s Eating My Palm?

Zone 46000 (Malaysia) | holmes.rw@gmail.com added on February 19, 2022 | Answered

Hi! My recently planted large red palm has some fine black things on the fronds as seen in photo. They brush off but come back the next day. Just wondered if your experts had any ideas? I live in Malaysia and it’s in the hot sun all day but planted in a grow tong – much wider than a normal pot and has had plenty of water. Perhaps too much? I can’t see any insects or spots on the fronds, but they are wilting and most have been chomped at the tips. Hope you can help. Many thanks, Bob Holmes

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 21, 2022

It could be overwatering, perhaps, but it does appear more like insect damage.

These articles will help you with insecticides use, both, natural and synthetic:


This collection of articles will go over a wide range of insect pests:


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