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Corn Plants

Q.What kind of animal is eating my garden

Anonymous added on July 14, 2015 | Answered

Last year I planted corn. It was fine till the corn ears were ready. Then, I go out and all corn is gone and stalks all broken down. There is a fence around the garden, so whatever it is, it’s a climber. This year I planted corn again and I’m already seeing signs of some broken stalks. I put a scarecrow, thinking that might scare it away, but still there. I also noticed this afternoon I had 1/2 watermelon in my compost bin and it was cleaned to the rind. What could be doing this and what is a good remedy to get rid of it?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 16, 2015

It has been my experience that raccoons tend to be the culprit more often as they are clever enough to figure out to pull down the corn. They are good climbers, too. These animals will avoid plants like cucumber and squash because of the prickly leaves. You can also leave the scent of a dog around (dog hair) to deter these pests. Keep trash receptacles tightly sealed and remove any pet food that may be laying out. This article may also help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/getting-rid-raccoons.htm

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