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Shrubs And Trees

Q.What Is Up With My Plant Growing These Other Plants?

Zone 32327 | BC1025 added on February 13, 2020 | Answered

My plant stopped growing then suddenly started growing these other plants around it and in it.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 14, 2020

This is, usually, a plant's response to near death. Sometimes they can reach a point to where they need to do sort of an "emergency recovery" situation.

Once they reach this point, they will put out growth anywhere they can at an attempt to collect some sunlight and energy to save itself.

This is usually a sign that it does not like it's environment, and needs a drastic change to survive happily.

I would recommend only watering once the soils is completely bone dry down to about 3 inches between watering. This will stave off future infections.

Make sure to give the plant enough light so that it grows, and does not get stretched out.

I can't tell, exactly, what that is, but it looks like a Mango. I see some citrus, too.

Make sure that all of them get at least 6 to 8 hours of full sunlight each day. If this is not possible, or all you have is window light, you will need an indoor horticultural light. Each tree will need 100 to 200 watts of light once it reaches maturity. For now, you can light them all with about 200 watts until they get bigger. (Stay away from LED panels unless you intend to get a high end fixture. They can, and often do, run well over $1000 so they aren't really feasible for the hobby gardener.)

Ceramic Metal Halide fixtures are a good start. They come in a 315 watt system, and that is it. Some are double fixtures at 630 watts, but this isn't necessary, as a 315 system will light a 4x4 area as if it were full sun.

Light is the most important factor that will determine the health of your trees. Then correct watering will be the next factor.

Here are some articles that will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/mango/mango-trees-in-pots.htm


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