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Weeping Cherry Trees

Q.What Is This Tree ?

Zone Liverpool, UK. | Sandra1949 added on July 21, 2020 | Answered

Can anybody please identify this tree? It is in my sons front garden & he needs advice on pruning, feeding etc. Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 21, 2020

Looks like a weeping ornamental cherry. I would allow it to weep - not cut it straight as shown in the picture. If you need the branches to be higher, i.e. in order to mow under it, perhaps pruning it up higher so that the new branches don't grow so far down. Wherever you cut, normally one or two new branches will grow. Prune after it goes dormant (leaves fall).

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Answered on July 21, 2020


That looks like a Weeping Cherry Tree

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