My weeping cherry is already blooming but has limbs growing straight up. Do I have to wait until it goes dormant to cut these back?
If you can wait, I would. Pruning after it has started blooming and leafing out makes it susceptible to disease. If you need to prune it now, it will most likely be ok, but just keep an eye on it and treat any problems that might happen quickly.
Last fall our weeping cherry tree started to develop several cracks in the bark and began to leak sap. This year the tree did flower but not nearly as much as usual and it doesn't seem to be leafing out as it should. I hate to lose this tree (don't know the exact age but at least 13 years old). Does this sound like we are going to lose this tree? Is there anything we can do to save it?
Fruit trees are very susceptible to frost cracks or bark splitting due to the fact that they have thin bark. These are caused by drastic temperature fluctuations, especially in the winter or by warm sun on the tree in the winter time. This then causes sap oozing. It can be reduced by providing some extra protection to the tree, especially the lower part of the tree. Normally, a paper wrap is used to give the trunk some extra winter protection.
I planted a weeping cherry tree last fall, through the mail. It came as a twig with two stubs at the top. The roots were really nice and planted it as the directions stated. As of now there is nothing but just the way I received it. Is there something I'm supposed to do that I am not doing ?
It was a pretty cold winter for many parts of the country. It may not have survived the winter cold. This article will help you determine if it is still alive:
My tree was planted three years ago. I was not aware that I needed to cut the top out of it. It is very healthy but has an eight foot portion growing straight up. The total height of my tree is about 13 or 14 feet tall, it weeps at about 5 feet. It is now the middle of May; is it safe to prune out the top now or do I need to wait? I live in east Tennessee.
You can prune out the top, but I would not take more than a 1/3 of the tree off. It is safe to do up to 1/3 of the tree per year.
how do i root the part i cut off to make another tree?
Thank you so much, hate to be such a dummy. The tree was planted for me when I was diagnoised with terminal cancer in 2008 and we were unaware of the pruning process. Can I do this now or do I need to wait until fall? Thanks again. Rick
What would happen to a weeping cherry tree if I trimmed it when it's not dormant? This tree already bloomed its flowers.
You can do some light pruning anytime, but for the health of the tree, if you need to do heavier pruning, you should wait until its dormant.
How do you root weeping cherry branch to make a new tree?
Weeping cherries are typically grafted rather than propagated by root cuttings. This article will explain how to do that:
What do you use to spray weeping cherry trees with to stop insects from eating the leaves?
I personally like neem oil. It is often sold as fruit tree spray and is used on fruit trees for this very purpose. It will work just as well to keep bugs from an ornamental tree too.