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Q.What Could Be The Cause Of The Discoloration On My Spirea Shrubs?

Zone 6 | native_species added on August 26, 2022 | Answered

I have several mature spirea shrubs that form a hedge around my patio. Most of them look healthy, but a few at the end of the hedge have turned pale green this summer with orange discoloration and dark red/purple spots. I had a tree and shrub specialist out to look at it, and he doesn’t know what it is. I also looked up common problems with spirea and none of the issues described seem to match what’s going on here. I included photos of the affected shrubs and the healthy ones right next to them.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 29, 2022

This one is tricky...

I would check the pH and nutrient content of that specific area around that shrub. I see this, sometimes, where a plant is a little more hungry than the rest in an area. This can cause deficiencies in one spot, or pH imbalances.



Otherwise, here are some articles that will offer care tips and more information on the shrub:


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