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Black Walnut Trees

Q.Walnut Tree – Worms

Zone South Africa | Anonymous added on June 21, 2022 | Answered

I live in South Africa, and moved into a house with a walnut tree. Year 1, the walnut tree produced walnuts. As this was my first year with the tree, I didnt pick too many nuts, and the nuts I did pick I gave away – so didnt take note of the quality nut produced. Year 2, I was surprised the tree produced nuts again, as I had read it would not do so every year. The first haul I picked just under 300 nuts. When opening the nuts, some of them had worms in them. Generally 1 worm in the nut. Some of the worms were bright red. Some were white. What kind of worms are they? What can I do for the tree so that next year the nuts are worm free?

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