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Q.Walkway under a dogwood tree?

Zone 22015 | dmascola added on April 25, 2018 | Answered

I am thinking of planting a flowering dogwood tree near the walkway to our front door. But I’m getting worried that the bottom of the canopy will be too low as the tree grows to maturity and won’t allow for easily walking underneath. Would this be better off in a more open space without the walkway underneath? Or do you think it can be pruned effectively to provide the walkway underneath?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 25, 2018

Dogwoods are known for being, relatively, short trees. They will eventually get tall enough to have a walkway under, but that could take years. If anything, I would choose a tree that gets taller quicker, or plant them a little further away from the walk, and over time, as they thicken up, it will likely hover over the walkway as the tree matures.

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Answered on April 25, 2018

The spot I have in mind is a garden bed between the walkway and the house. Since I can't move that spot further from the walkway, can you recommend a tree that would grow taller quicker? Especially a pretty flowering variety? Zone 7.

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