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Q.Trimming Older DWARF Oleanders Without Losing Thickness And Coverage

Zone Kearny, Arizona 85137 in the USA | Gerry in Kearny added on April 7, 2020 | Answered

I downloaded the article by Susan Patterson: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/oleander/pruning-oleander-shrubs.htm my email is gkkearny@gmail.com my phone number is 520-363-9713 I have 30+ year old DWARF Oleanders that are fully mature. I cut two of them way back and they are now ugly and I may take them out. We also had several years when the Oleander Pathogens attacked so I’ve been lopping out dead branches. So far so good. Now they appear to be healthy but I want to try to get them to shape into a privacy hedge. I’m out in rural Kearny, Arizona so I suspect I will have to do the work myself. I cut above a leaf node, and they get thicker. However, some are still quite scraggly. Is there someone I can send photos to who can “look over my shoulder” so I don’t do more damage than good? But my oleanders are in need of “shaping up” soon – Thanks for any suggestions you can provide and I really appreciate having access to your experts while I’m home “sheltering in place” with plenty of time to do this important “shaping up” work on my oleanders. For fun, check out my facebook pages for Kearny at https://www.facebook.com/Kearny-Arizona-Travelin-Hats-110334690577592 https://www.facebook.com/FriendliestTownOnTheAZT

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 8, 2020

Actually, your local extension service may be able to be of some assistance! This page will help you to find out how to contact the closest one to you:


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