I was wondering if I can plant veggies (root and others) where Oleander trees used to be that have since been cut down to just a stump. Since these are poisonous trees, will the roots impact my garden and will I have poisonous veggies?
This should not cause a problem for your vegetable plants. The toxins are in the live oleander plant and break down when it dies so pose no theat.
I planted four pink oleander shrubs early last spring. They were beautiful and were really growing until we had the extreme winter in north Texas. Now they have lost all of their leaves and look dead. What should I do? Is there a possibility that they will come back? I have never had this type of plant before and do not know if I should cut them down to the ground or what?
If the stems are still alive, they will regrow their leaves. I would give them a month, and if you do not see growth by then, they are most likely dead. These articles will help you as well:
I have an oleander with a lot of scale on it. Will neem oil help get rid of them?
I recently repotted an oleander to get rid of white flies. The plant is on a balcony and I am located on the coast of NC. It is approximately 4 feet tall and it is in a clay pot approximately two and half feet tall, with chipped marble then cedar mulch and filled to the top with fresh top soil. The plant is losing leaves more than before, and this concerns me. Someone said there may be aphids on it, but I can't see them. Any suggestions?
Whether white flies or aphids, treating with neem oil should help take care of the problem. Neem oil is effective against many types of insect pests and is perfectly safe as well. Here is more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/pesticides/neem-oil-uses.htm
I suspect that one of my red-tip photinias has a fungus, as the leaves are turning yellow and curling. I read about pruning off the diseased branches, and my question is: Is there a way to treat the fungus, i. e. with Sevin? Also, how much water do they need? We are in southern NM where the humidity has been around 16% all year. About Oleanders--how much should I water these plants? So many pretty oleanders in this town are in areas where I feel they never get watered and I am wondering if I am over-watering mine.
Photinia is very susceptible to the fungus leafspot, called Entomosporium, that can defoliate photinia plants. Plant photinia in full sun and provide good air circulation. Remove and destroy fallen leaves, prune off diseased twigs. Avoid overhead irrigation. Fungicide sprays (copper-based products) are also generally necessary for this disease, beginning from bud break and applied every ten to fourteen days until all foliage has matured. Mature foliage is no longer susceptible to infection.
As for the Oleander, water when the soil is dry (about an inch weekly). During droughts, water a couple of inches each week. Keep in mind, however, that while the soil may not need much water, the leaves and petals can dry out quickly. Mist the leaves with water (early in the morning) to avoid this, especially after a hot, sunny day.
They have what looks like black ants and on the new growth there are thousands of yellow looking eggs. I have sprayed with Neem oil and it's not working. Plase help
These are aphids. The ants are attracted to them. The neem oil will work on them, but it takes a little time for neem to work. This article will also help:
We have several oleander plants, which create a wall towards the rear of our property. We have noticed "spores" of a sort, also the leaves seem to have a sort of oil on them, so together the plants look out of sorts. Is there a natural way to cean up this problem? We have had these plants for more than ten years now and they are a wonderful addition to our home. We reside in southern AZ. Thank you in advance for your help.
It sounds like you may have both pests (that oily sheen could be honeydew from them) and a fungus. I personally like to use neem oil because it is organic and also kills both pests and fungus in one go, so you don't have to use as many products. Here is more information on it: