Q.Transplant shock
Hello, I recently transplanted a couple of house plants into bigger pots. Unfortunately 2 of them have gone into shock. What was once tall, sprouting leaves are now wilting and yellow. How do I save my plants and how do I prevent this in the future? Thanks for your help!

Appropriate watering is the key issue. And keeping the soil root ball intact when you transplant. Don't let it dry out during the move or after, water right away in the new pot.
Right now, check the soil moisture content. I like a soil moisture meter to help take the guesswork out of when to water. https://www.domyown.com/luster-leaf-rapitest-mini-moisture-tester-1810-p-7732.html
When the soil is wet, poke a straight trowel or stick down in around the inside of the pot to be sure the backfill soil is all settled and there are no air pockets.
If you can get some Superthrive, put a dash in when you water. I swear by it for helping to avoid transplant shock and for recovery.