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Baptisia Plants

Q.Baptisia shrubs not blooming

Zone Sidney, AR 72577 | peggy524 added on July 24, 2015 | Answered

Three years ago I planted two Baptisia australis shrubs and they have yet to bloom. They get at least 8 hrs. of sun daily. Bushes are in excellent condition. Could you give me any information as to why they have not bloomed? They are at least 4 ft. tall and wide.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 26, 2015

It does take at least 3 years for the plants to become established and start to bloom.
Since your plants are just reaching that age I would be patient.
You could also add some Phosphorous to boost flower production. Bone Meal is a good way to do so, but I would recommend waiting until early spring to fertilize.


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